Disability Rights Watch (DRW) has been advocating, with many other organisations, for the development of a new National Policy on Education which is guided by Inclusive Education principles, especially for the purpose of fully and effectively including learners with disabilities in the general education system. This has been in line of the recognition of Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and other international standards and instruments. From this year going forward, DRW has included the recognition of Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 (quality Inclusive Education ((IE)) and the General Comment No. 4 on Inclusive Education among its reference documents.
Disability Rights Watch recognises that there are many players in the field of IE in Zambia and has partnered with the Norwegian Disability Consortium to co-host the third Inclusive Education Symposium. In response to the feedback from the last IE symposium the partners have resolved to extend the symposium to two days to allow for comprehensive discussion among stakeholders.
Although DRW focuses on children with disabilities, the organisation recognizes the fact that the goal of IE is to reach out to ALL marginalized groups among them orphaned and vulnerable children, street children, ill and the girl child. Concerted efforts towards harmonising and improving the delivery on IE practice and policy is therefore important if the goal of IE is to be realized. Thus it is important to bring together those working on IE to share experiences, hold open and honest discussions and seek to influence the strengthening of policy and legislative measures to facilitate effective inclusive education.
TOR_Symposium on Inclusive Education in Zambia 2018_First Draft.pdf