National Symposium on Inclusive Education in Zambia 2022

National Symposium on Inclusive
Education in Zambia 2022
Theme: “Not all children with disabilities are visible in the education system”
Terms of Reference and call for abstracts
The disability movement in Zambia spearheaded by Disability Rights Watch (DRW) has been
among other pertinent issues advocating for the revision of the National Policy on Education
(Educating Our Future Policy), the Curriculum Development Framework, administration and
marking of examination for children with disabilities especially those with hearing and visual
impairments. This is in line with international human rights instruments to which Zambia is a
signatory and some national laws and policies.
On the International level, the UN General Assembly to which Zambia is a member adopted
the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on 13th December, 2006.
Zambia went ahead and signed the convention in May 2008 and ratified it in February 2010.
The Disability Policy (currently under review) was equally put in place in 2015 which acts as
a work plan for the implementation of the Persons with Disabilities Act No 6 of 2012. The
National Policy on Disability of 2015 provides for increased access to appropriate formal and
non-formal education and skills training including life-long learning by putting in place an
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SYSTEM at all levels. This is equally the position in the National
Policy on Education (Education our future). The Persons with Disabilities Act # 6 of 2012
equally highlights free and compulsory Primary, Secondary and Higher Education; Inclusive
quality education; Reasonable accommodation; Consideration of additional needs.
Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 (Quality Inclusive Education) and the General Comment
No. 4 on Inclusive Education among its reference documents is equally a guiding principle for
ensuring equity within the education sector. Download to read more TOR_Inclusive_Education_Symposium_2022_FINAL