Legal Aid and Strategic Advocacy
1. To defend and protect persons with disabilities from all forms of discrimination,
exploitation, violence and abuse through strategic advocacy including paralegal
services and litigation.
2. To establish legal precedents to promote the rights and fundamental freedoms of
persons with disabilities and to use these precedents for the purpose of transforming
laws across Africa
Human Rights Promotion and Awareness Raising
3. To promote the rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with disabilities outlined
in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and
other international human rights covenants and national legislation.
Independent Disability Rights Monitoring
4. To monitor the implementation of the UNCRPD at individual country levels.
5. To promote best practice on the domestication of the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) across Southern Africa.
Capacity Building and Organisational Development
6. To build the strategic advocacy and organisational management capacity of Disabled
People’s Organisations and their umbrella federations and bodies in Southern Africa.
Disability research and consultancy
7. To undertake individual, joint and collaborative research on disability inclusion, law
policies and practices.
8. To provide disability accessibility audit services for institutions and individual clients
9. To be a leading disability rights think tank and consultancy firm.
Disability Inclusion in Access to Justice in Zambia (DIAZ)
Strengthening the Political Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Zambia 2023 – 2024 (SPPPD)
Enhanced Advocacy for Disability Inclusion in Zambia (EADIZ)
Protection of the right to Legal Capacity for Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities in Zambia (PLPD)
Zambia Inclusive Health and Information Project (ZIHIP)