On 5th August, 2020, Disability Rights Watch made a donation of COVID 19 prevention and information materials to the Provincial Administration targeted at Chipata and Chadiza Districts. The intervention worth 5, 000 Euros consists of over one thousand bottles of branded hand wash, 200 reusable face masks, 5 foot press hand wash facilities, 10 ordinary hand wash stands, four 4…

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Network-CORONAVIRUS DISEASE (COVID-19) PANDEMIC Toolkit

WHAT DOES THE TOOLKIT CONTAIN?Featured Resources Quarantine in COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement in COVID-19 Reducing Stigma in COVID-19 Human Rights in COVID-19 COVID-19 & Front-line Health Care Responders MHPSS Interventions in Health Contexts Addressing Gender Issues in COVID-19 Education in COVID-19 Persons with Disabilities in COVID-19 Migrant, Refugee and Internally Displaced People in COVID-19 Child Protection in COVID-19Support…