Transforming lives and changing peoples perceptions on disability -TESTIMONY FROM A PARENT WITH A CHILD WITH CEREBRAL PALSY
Disability Rights Watch in partnership partnership with SOS Children Villages Zambia and Archie Hinchcliffe Disability Intervention (AHDI) is implementing a project calledAna- Atukuke
A parent from Chadiza district who has a child with cerebral palsy shared her story that after attending the Ana- Atukuke project mobilization meetings, there has been a great change where she stays because she shared all the information she gathered from the previous meetings on the rights of children with disabilities. She taught the people she stays with and the neighborhood on how to take care of her son. She taught them how to communicate with him and to feed him when he is hungry because there are times when she is busy and would want someone to help take care of her son.
She further narrated that just to ensure people got instructions rightly, one day she deliberately left the son in the house whilst she was washing outside. When the son was hungry he started crying and she ignored because she wanted to see whether other family members took heed of the advice she gave them on how to care for him when he needed something without her getting involved. She was surprised that indeed just as she advised the family members, they were able to take care of her son without her involvement and what was amazing is that even those in the neighborhood also learnt how to take care of her child. She also emphasized that this change was not achieved in one day but she kept on teaching them relentlessly.